What is the Difference Between Male and Female Brain Development?

It is common knowledge that men and women’s brains differ. We have always been told that women are far better multitaskers and empathizers, while men are stronger at technical and space based memory. But why is this? It all starts at the very beginning – birth. An early indication of this is how babies respond differently to human voices. This is noticeable very early on, the baby can be as little as three months old. This is purely due to hormones. For example, men have significantly higher testosterone levels which affects certain neuron levels in parts of the brain. This happens when the baby is as little as seven weeks old. The stages and timeline for brain development is also very different amongst males and females. Studies of cognitive development have shown that a girl’s senses – touch, hear, smell, vision – and social skills develop far faster than boys early on. 

However, once children reach the age of three, the development seems to be equal amongst the two. But, at this age is also when males start to show their strength in technical and space based memory. This is shown through puzzles, and sports requiring hand-eye coordination. Genes and hormones are not the only reason for this. The activities kids grow up doing plays a role as well. For example, boys typically spend more time playing with toy cars and legos, which practices technical and space based memory. Girls tend to gravitate towards dolls and things of that nature, which allows them to practice empathizing and multitasking skills. This shows how important it is for caretakers to encourage kids to partake in activities not typically associated with their gender in order to encourage optimal development. The image below reinforces the importance of all this. 

Why Early Childhood Matters

So, is intelligence purely due to our genetic makeup or is it influenced by our environment? This is a prime example of the nature vs. nurture debate shown in the imaged below.

Nature vs. Nurture: Genes or Environment?

This is a huge topic in science and it questions whether humans and their behavior is solely a result of genes or a product of their environment. This debate is not something new, it was first introduced back in 1869 by psychologist Sir Francis Galton. Before this, a Greek Physician called Hippocrate said human behavior is purely a result of our genetic makeup and four different body fluids – blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm. After researching further into brain development, I believe that to a certain extent our intelligence is a result of both. Yes, genetics do play a huge role and cause us to have strengths that lay in certain areas. But, how a child is raised and what activities they take part in affects what area of the brain is stimulated more, and therefore develops at a higher rate. This is where nurture comes into play. To help with this, children, especially until the age of five, should be encouraged to participate in a wide range of activities, sports, and games. This can help create a more “balanced” development, and minimize weaknesses in certain areas and skills. 



3 thoughts on “What is the Difference Between Male and Female Brain Development?

  1. This vas very interesting as I did not know before there was such a difference between the male and female brain. Even the fact the girl’s develop senses like smell, touch and other faster than boys was another interesting fact that I learned reading this article.

  2. This blog post was very informative and interesting to me. I didn’t know that male and female brains developed this differently.

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