What is GMO?

GMO stands for Genetically Modified organisms. A genetically Modified Organism is a living things like plants animals and bacteria that have been mixed with another species. Scientist take the DNA of one organism and force the DNA into another totally different organisms. Genetically Modified Organisms do not occur naturally in nature. They are all synthetically made in a laboratory by biologist and biotech companies. These organisms are made to create bigger plants that are more resistant to drought, bugs, pestidies, and so on. These Genetically Modified Organisms may be seen as a victory to man kind but maybe they are hurting us much more than they are helping.

History of Genetically Modified Organisms:

Before Genetically Modified organisms could be developed scientist first had to discovery where our genes were stored.In nineteen thrity five Andrei Belozersky isolated pure DNA. That was the very hidden start to Genetically Modified Organisms, but in ninteen eighty  the first Genetically Modified Organisms patent was issued. This was the first patent ever issued on a live organism.The first Genetically Modified organisms was actually made to eat up oil from oil spills and help our ecosystem not hurt it. In nineteen eighty two the Food and Drug Administration approved the first GMO declaring it safe for users. The approval of the Food and Drug Administration got things ramped up and in ninetten ninty four  the first Genetically Modified Organisms product was available at grocery stores. It was tomato that consumers were able to buy that was genetically modified

Government involvement in Genetically Modified organisms:  

The United States governments does not take an active role in the area of GMOs. They do not support the idea of labeling foods that are genetically modified. The government does not believe that GMO are bad as long as they are still making a lot of money off of GMO. The FDA does not require GMO to be  tested at their labs or any safety precautions. They just rely on what the producers say about the organism in question and then releases it into our grocery stores. The governments wants to keep labeling off GMO foods so people will continue to buy them.

How do Genetically Modified organisms affect your life and health?

Many people are scared on the affects of Genetically Modified organisms on the human body. A study on rats was able to discover the Genetically Modified organisms where not toxic to animals. By feeding the rats Genetically Modified organisms for food they were able to see if any rats died or developed any diesels or other problems. The rats were fine but how about their offspring. Well another group of scientist aso went to rats to solve this problem. They studied the rats for three generations while feeding them Genetically Modified organisms corn. The rats had no problems in fertility or changes in offspring. The Genetically Modified organisms did not affect their ability to reproduce in any way nor did the Genetically Modified organisms affect the organs of the rats or their children. However the exact affect on human still remains unknown. It may be a risk to eat Genetically Modified organisms but we all do it everyday even without our knowledge.

Advantages and Diadvantages of Genetically Modified Organisms

Will GMOs Hurt My Body? The Public’s Concerns and How Scientists Have Addressed Them

Genetically Modified Organisms have many pro and cons that tag a long with it.  GMO can have pesticides within the plant that can kill very important insects in our ecosystem. They can kill caterpillars,spiders and many other tiny but vital creatures. On the other hand foods that have been genetically modified can have a higher nutritional value. Some Genetically Modified Organisms foods have more vitamins that can help keep your body healthy and strong. Genetically Modified Organisms organisms can also cause more weeds to develop. The Genetically Modified Organisms can pass on some of its properties onto weeds that make them stronger and harder to kill. Then farmers start using stronger pesticides that are harmful to many mammals and fish in the ocean where all these pesticides eventually runoff to.

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